We beautify, inform and advocate to improve our quality of life.
— Point Loma Association, Since 1961

Branden Boysen

Branden Boysen joined the PLA Board in January 2018. He is a native of Olympia, Washington where he enjoyed the outdoors and grew up in the construction business with his family.  He went on to earn a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management from Washington State University. Upon graduation, Branden joined DPR Construction in Seattle, specializing in highly complex and sustainable projects.

 A family vacation when he was a youngster introduced him to San Diego and planted a seed for his love to travel.  In 2002, he requested a transfer to DPR’s San Diego office. For the past 15+ years, Branden has worked on major construction projects in San Diego, including work for Scripps Health, Palomar Health, Qualcomm, and Illumina. DPR Construction is a PLA Platinum Business Member. Branden says he loves Point Loma. It has similarities to Olympia, and he is excited for the opportunity to give back to the community he now calls home.